SCP-D43110N (Dowser's Lake Curse)

Article written by: Agent Laura Lizabeth Corder

Item #: SCP-D43110N-MP3

Object: Pending Neutralized

Description: SCP-D4110N is a collective name for a small town in Newburge, Maryland known by the locals as Dowser's Lake.

    It is said that this "curse" started by a witch named, Laelia Patton back in 1693. Legend says as she was being exectuted, she said that she will "return in a devilish form." and that this form is said to be the Dowser's Lake Demon, lurking around and maiming those who wronged her. The locals said that she is frightened by bees and they would engrave pictures of bees on their homes and businesses for protection.

    Despite Laelia Patton being long dead, a cult has been formed decades later to worship her called, "The Golden Children".

* * *

    There are copies of audio and video logs made by Agent Corder from Site-620 that are in text form to prevent any form of cognitiohazards. To listen to the copies ask Dr. Greg Cuffers and he will supervise. If any potential cognitohazard is in effect, stop listening and get out of the storage room. Dr. Cuffers will then send over Dr. Kenneth Dennels to administrate amnestics.


Audio Logs

Logs 1

A Laggogon is a bipedal, humanoids with lagomorpha-like features.
Borminn are bipedal, humanoids with boar-like features.

Logs 2

 Paranormal Investigation Log 1

TW: Mentions of death and implied child neglect

Log 3A
Log 3B

TW: Mentions of death and suicide

 Paranormal Investigation Log 2


Video Logs

Video Log 1
